What is MetroBlossom?

First and foremost, MetroBlossom is about creation. The intrusion of nature onto man-made spaces has a transformative power that turns rust into art, monuments into sanctuaries, and refuse into sculpture.

Humans have transformed their natural environment in such ways that the original is no longer visible. At least, not on the surface - and this is the key. It is everywhere you look. When you stare out your office window, waiting stuporously for five o' clock, when you see an enormous flock of birds fly over your car as you are stuck in traffic on your way home, when you watch the tidal wave of rain fly from the racing wheels of a bicycle messenger. Everywhere. The natural world has become a seething filter through which we view our urban lives.

This is the paradox - in the superimposition of the twisted grid of the city onto the even more twisted root structure of the earth, we find that the natural world imposes itself forcibly on us. The passage of time, as we currently experience it, is an inevitability. With this comes the gradual and subtle wreckage of urban planning. MetroBlossom seeks to document this, and to point an objective eye at beauty in its many forms. We have become new glaciers, carving hills and caves into the green earth. MetroBlossom is a time-lapse photograph of these glaciers melting.
